About Me

I have always loved nature and the outdoors. Very much an introvert I spent much of my childhood studying nature at every opportunity. I spent hours and hours reading about the world around me. As I got older I began to further immerse myself in nature by collecting field guides and creating casts of footprints. After a few tries I finally took to photography junior year of high school, and photography has now become one of my greatest passions. Photography has become a means by which I strive to capture my vision of the world around me, and as a way to show others how I see the world.
Over my life I have lived on 4 continents and have visited over 30 countries. Many of my fondest memories of my childhood are of the landscapes and wildlife I saw in each of those places: the majestic Big 5 in Africa, the iconic Pandas in China, and the captivating forests of Germany. Photography has made it possible for me to capture these beautiful sights and share them with those around me. At the same time photography has become a channel for me to express who I am and what inspires me to others.
More recently i have started into the realm of portraiture, which i found is one of the most fulfilling, though also most difficult area of photography. When taking a portrait I seek not only capture the physical characteristics of my model, but also their personality, quirks and all. 
I strive to create pictures that not only show the world around me, but that show it in a new light. My love of nature and my love of photography push me to find subjects and moments that I want to share with the world. When taking a photograph I seek to take great light, an inspiring subject, and a beautiful background and turn it into a photograph that brings out the personality and spirit of the subject.
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